Bude Lit Fest Competitions

This year we have opened up the competitions to include children from all ages, as well as families. Last year we had lots of feedback to tell us how much they enjoyed the variety of competitions, so this year we have added some more options!

Whether you are competing as an individual, school or family, you’ll be delighted with the different opportunities for you to get creative and share your entries with the community. Once again we are being sponsored by some local businesses and individuals. Our main sponsor Spencer Thorn will be judging many of the entries and the winners will be announced at set events during the festival.

Choose from a ‘Flash Fiction’ short story writing piece, a Limerick or Haiku poem, design your own book cover or get out and about in Bude Town Centre on a Scavenger hunt! There is no limit to how many you can enter so get writing, drawing and having fun investigating with a competition made just for you!


Flash Fiction

‘Climate Change’ Flash Fiction Competition

Write an original short story on the theme ‘Climate Change’ and win a ÂĢ20 book voucher.

There are two categories:

Primary School age: write up to 500 words

Secondary School age: write up to 1000 words

Festival sponsors, Spencer Thorn will judge the competition.  

Book Voucher Prizes: ÂĢ20 to the winner of each age range

Send your entry by Sun 28 April 2024 to:

Flash Fiction Comp, c/o The Castle Heritage Centre, The Wharf, Bude, Cornwall, EX23 8LG

or email them to info@budelitfest.co.uk 

Remember to provide your name, age and contact details.  

The prize winners will have their stories displayed at Spencer Thorn Bookshop.

The winners have the opportunity to read their stories on The Castle Lawn at 3pm on Sunday 19th May as part of the Family Fun Day.


Design a Book Cover

Design a Book Cover Competition

Choose a favourite book that you have read, design a new cover for it and win a ÂĢ20 book voucher

There is one category:

Under 18s

Festival sponsors, Spencer Thorn will judge the competition.  

Send your entry by Sun 28 April 2024 to:

Book Cover Design, c/o The Castle Heritage Centre, The Wharf, Bude, Cornwall, EX23 8LG

or email them to info@budelitfest.co.uk 

Remember to provide your name, age and contact details.  

The prize winners will have their stories displayed at Spencer Thorn Bookshop.

The winners have the opportunity to display their winning design at The Castle on Sunday 19th May as part of the Family Fun Day.

Other runners up will also have the opportunity to have their design displayed at The Castle Family Fun Day on Sunday 19th May 2024.


Limerick Competition

Family Limerick Competition for all ages

Limericks have been with us for over 300 years. This is your chance to make our judges laugh, cry or chuckle. Write one by yourself, or with a friend, or with your family. There are five lines, the first, second and fifth lines of a limerick have the same rhythm and rhyme. The third and fourth lines are shorter and also rhyme with each other. 

There is one category:


Your Limerick can be on any subject and the competition is open to all ages

Our Bookworm Volunteers will judge the entries. 

Book Voucher Prizes: ÂĢ20 to the winner/group

Send your entry by Sun 28 April 2024 to:

Lit Fest Limerick, c/o The Castle Heritage Centre, The Wharf, Bude, Cornwall, EX23 8LG

or email them to info@budelitfest.co.uk 

Remember to provide your name/s and contact details.  

The prize winners will have the opportunity to read their Haiku on The Castle Lawn at 3pm on Sunday 19th May as part of the Family Fun Day.



Haiku Competition

Haiku Competition

Haiku is a type of short form poetry originally from Japan. 

A Haiku poem contains three lines. It has five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the last line. It contains 17 syllables in total. A Haiku poem does not rhyme.  

There is one category:

All ages can enter a Haiku on any subject. 

Write one by yourself, or with a friend, or with your family or colleagues!

Our Bookworm Volunteers will judge the entries. 

Book Voucher Prizes: ÂĢ20 to the winner/group

Send your entry by Sun 28 April 2024 to:

Lit Fest Haiku, c/o The Castle Heritage Centre, The Wharf, Bude, Cornwall, EX23 8LG

or email them to info@budelitfest.co.uk 

Remember to provide your name/s and contact details.  

The prize winners will have the opportunity to read their Haiku on The Castle Lawn at 3pm on Sunday 19th May as part of the Family Fun Day.